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Executive ESG Training at Sea with OceanSaviours

Updated: Jun 1, 2020

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) are the base triad of factors measuring company sustainability and ethical impact for the investor. As a non-financial performance indicator, a company with a robust ESG strategy for material sustainability has a capacity to weather the rough waters of uncertainty.The promotion of an ESG strategy is required for customer service enrichment along with designing a corporate culture for employees’ experience. These type action steps equate to proper positioning during unfavorable times and the exceptional ability to benefit during negative or positive market environments.

The OS training program initiates the participants’ development by defining ESG as a business metric, answering the central question, linking sustainability to their company and the implementation process thereafter. ESG does not only deal with these aspects, in encompasses each segment under the flowing headings:

Environment, how a company navigates to positively affect

  • deforestation

  • climate change

  • resource depletion

  • waste and pollution

  • greenhouse gas emission

Social, how the company deals with its greatest resource, the employees and

  • health and safety

  • workplace conflict

  • employee relations & diversity

  • working conditions, including child labor and slavery

  • local communities & volunteer projects that serve global underserved communities

Governance, the guidance, policies & procedures used to police itself are reliant on

  • tax strategy

  • corruption and bribery

  • executive remuneration

  • donations and political lobbying

  • board diversity and structure (according to ability of participant)

Every aspect of ESG and a company’s ability to produce lean strategies, designs and processes to meet these challenges are essential to any organization’s existence. Real world lessons were on display during the solvency of businesses throughout the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic. In such situations, assessing the company as a disruptor or understanding how to insulate the company against industry disruptors is a crucial skill to maintain. As the old saying goes, “Proper planning prevent poor performance,” so there is no better time than the present to plan for your company’s future success by contacting our Executive training Staff to make your reservations to attend the SEAS Executive Training Program today.

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